SURPRiSiNG DAD with a Mario Party!! Family Game Day and playing mini games the parents remember⭐⭐⭐ (2024)


We have a SECRET SURPRISE for Dad!!
This video is sponsored by Nintendo

HEY EVERYBODY!! Guess what?! Today is a super special day because we get to surprise Dad with one of his favorite things!! A Nintendo Switch -- OLED Model!!! We love Nintendo at our house, and we play on the Nintendo Switch all the time! Some of Niko’s and I’s favorite games are Super Smash Bros., Mario Kart, and Mario Party!! So, we asked Nintendo if we could work together and create our very own Mario Party at Home!! They said yes and we were so excited!! We told Dad that we didn’t need him for today’s Adley video, so he went to work, but little did he know that we just wanted to set up a super-secret surprise party for him! We wrapped up his Nintendo Switch system and made a huge card for him!! On the card we drew some of our favorite characters like Mario, Yoshi, and even Bowser!! We then called dad while he was at work and told him to rush home because we needed him for the video!! When he was coming home, we hid his presents and we even hid all around the basem*nt!! It was a really fun game of Hide N Seek!! Dad came home and found us kids and then we could surprise him with his video games! He was so happy and he wanted to play Mario Party Superstars right away!! As we were getting it ready, he told us that Mario Party Superstars was filled with all of his favorite mini-games from when he was a kid!! We played a round and it was so fun!! We all took turns winning mini games, finding coins, and buying stars to see who could win!! We all did a really good job but ultimately it was me who became the Superstar!! It was so much fun surprising Dad and playing with Niko and Mom! Just when we thought the fun was over, Mom pulled out another surprise!! She had some holiday wishlists from! It was filled with a ton of Nintendo games that Niko and I really want to play!!

Additional accessories may be required for multiplayer mode. Sold separately

my last video - Adley & Niko WiNTER NEiGHBORHOOD! Baby gingerbread is Alive, neighbor won't wakeup play pretend town

my dad's last video - Snowy ELF was BATHROOM FiSHiNG!! Dad cooks Pancake Kids! Daddy Adley Date with a friends Santa Note

A for Adley Shorts -
Best Day Ever Shorts -
Gaming with Adley Shorts -
Spacestation Animation -

Bye vlog *pshhhhh*


A for at least surprise Edition for Dad sponsored by Nintendo.

That would be a big number watch, this oh hi neighbor, but guess what I gotta move 10 spaces away? I actually got it.

Thank you.

Oh yeah.

What's going on, okay she's going down she's going by Abby, go yeah good job kids first place and the winner is oh yeah: wait.

Did you see the teams? Oh, no, the moles Nico, your mole brothers are here uh, almost the whole family.


Don't do a lot of fun do like that's all my coins.

Well, I will have no coins.

If she doesn't win, oh I didn't get any coins about 100 coins.

I know you were so close, 100 I! Think in all the time we've played Mario, Party I've, never seen someone in our family have a hundred coins.


Surprise: Edition, wait! Who are we surprising, um Dad? Why are we surprising him for a surprising dad with new videos? Okay, not baby, all the time, but he does love to play video games.

We even have an SSG team huh.

That's video games make a poster for Dad.

Okay, oh and let's like decorate on here like Mario yeah Yoshi, yes, Bowser spells Bowser a poopa guys.

Did you know that we named our dog Koopa after Koopa Troopa? We really did that's how much we love tomorrow.

That does look like a pizza.

It looks like a half pizza, so I'm gonna do this little space astronaut.

He would like that I.

Don't like us, Mario Party there.

What I forgot models skin is not with his hat is red yeah.

This is looking so good mom.

Do you like mine, I love it? What should we do? I said, oh boy, all right.

Thank you.

I had I'm going to draw Mario Mario all right dad! Oh, do you think you'll want to skip work? I do wait, don't let him I do need you for this video.

If you guys are doing your video right now yeah and we actually do need to what you said.

You didn't need me yeah.

We do all right when should I come home right now, now nothing, nothing Nico about flowers, my heart's, a flower and Nico's a flower.

Okay, hurry bye, all right he's coming home.

What do we need to do? Let's make the place comfortable? Yes, let's do it.

I have an idea, but it might be kind of messy what we should move.

The couch I like that idea.


Are you on bean bag? Duty? Wait, let's move the couch forward! First, all right! Oh yes, let's push the bean bag over here, so we can choose either bean bags or couch.

When we play yeah, you can also move around like if you're on the bean bags, then you can move to the couch yep blanket up.

We gotta make it comfortable and then we can be all crazy.

Oh and you just got these new blankets, and probably this is the Mika one.

We got this one, a for I.

Believe you guys soon.

You can't even see me look.

We have two of this blankets, one for adley and one for Navy, huh yeah, so big, you can't see me walk you can play hide and seek under them.

Watch so wait! Wait now.

Where should we hang this guys? What? Let's? Hang it right here? Oh okay, huh! What's that all right put this one right here in the middle Third, One Mini go each get a present to hide I'm gonna hide this one.

Can I draw something on this one: okay, go hide them right here, right here and you'll sit on that.

Let's stretch this out, so you can see it and it's a big that I got he'll, never notice that Mom where's.

My present I have no idea what if the kids are hiding too and you have to say, okay I've poured in I put in four surprises.

You have to find them.

How about you hide under the blankets and then when he comes down you guys scare him and pop out stop eyes and then we'll say we had surprises for you.

Yes, that's surprise: okay, I, like this I, like this hello Vlog, what is going on! Is there a mouse in our house what's going on? Why did I have to come home? For this surprise, wait I see a blanket wiggling.

Aha, hi, surprise what is going on here? Okay, Dad.

We haven't okay, what we have a surprise for you, but the surprise is headed.

Oh secret handshake: oh yes, okay! So we have a surprise for you, but it says hidden.

So you have to stop find the surprise, so we can find it.

It is under and any of the couches um bean bags or blankets or pillows I'm.

Looking for a surprise, there's two of them: yes, all righty! How about all righty then uh wait: question yeah can I have a potty pause? I just got home from work, yeah sure you can go.

Okay, pause pause! Please pause! I'll be right! Back I'm gonna, hide mine, where's mine over here.

Where do you want to hide it? I'm gonna hide mine right here.

Oh okay, find it look.

Yeah I put mine right here, so if he I think he's coming right, we're so paused we're back to your boss spots.

Oh no he'll! Think I Disappeared we're the president, so I'll be disguise as the president.

My hands are washed and ready to find a surprise.

An awesome, unpause I know where she is found.

You like three times.

You can't hide from me where's my surprise tell me or I'll tickle, you where's my surprise.

What was that tell me where it is yeah I got information I'll tell you uh one hand um give me one my my point: okay, it's no more white here and right here, right here and right here, huh, it's mine.

What is it you can't open it yeah? It is it's my present.

That's your present to me, okay, yeah, to find the other present, so you can open them.

Oh, okay, easy baby, you're, getting colder, yeah you're, so warm busted.

Surprise me! You have to open them now: video game I like what I see Mario Party Mario, Party Superstars.

It has all the games that we used to play when we were kids like facelift and all the fun stuff.

Oh, that one I remember I used to do that.

One yeah four thing: hey Daddy! This new thing goes with that.

That says all the ones I used to play when I was your age yeah.

This is really cool.

Okay, really you go decorate that one I think I know what this is and I've been asking for.

It forever wait.

What one is one one? Is it it's the Nintendo switch on my own? What's the best surprise, you did you burp.

This is the best surprise.

Okay, that is the first best surprise, is that we partnered with Nintendo and they sent this to us for free, wait.

Really yeah they'll send this yeah.

Okay, that's cool I! Think we play this and my Mario Party one.

No, that is actually mine, I, download the game and then and guess what it was called.

It was cold.

It was called Mario Party, oh, should we play it and see who the ultimate Mario partier? Is, this time we're gonna play Mario Party Superstars? We never played this one I'm, making a spot.

What I want to buy you you're sitting by me, I'm, getting comfy no shoes I want green, blue orange, pink, pink, pink! Here you go.

What color do you want? I want green? That's why I said blue after, like we're we're doing my favorite colors, yeah, green and blue cheers? Who else needs a blanket? It's gonna be dead.

Everyone push.

These two goes like the mostest winner of Mario Party in our family.

We named Koopa after I, told um I've been playing this since I was like your age, I used to play with my family all the time.

That means when you're an old person like us and you have kids, you have to still play Mario Party, yep still yeah.

All right.

Here we go who's, gonna, be the Superstar me Me, Maybe Nico, yes, Stars I know oh cause.

Everyone chose their characters: uh, not Dad.

It's me Mario, oh you're, being Birdo yeah, okay, you're being the cute Birdo.

You can be Yoshi me and Mommy yeah.

Can you go lock it in? Oh, this is like the classic, like you're falling in your mouth Yoshi's Tropical Islands space like space space, delicious, no birthday, yeah birthday, cakes kind of hard.

What if we do, Yoshi's Tropical Islands yeah, let's start out with the Yoshi's Island, wait: who's! Yoshi me: oh boy, we're going to Mom's home.

Yes, the classic Mini game so excited for this me too good, surprise, I, thought I was just gonna be working today and then you guys surprise me: okay, who's, gonna go first.

I am okay! This one, oh wow, I thought it was out of six and I'm, like oh cool Nico's.

First and I'm excited hey, let's get this done who's first me, oddly, first, oh look, I can say things.

Oh I hope you miss I, hope you miss what that's cool one I'm sorry Bowser took her place: wow yeah, okay, my turn you're up what big number one mushrooms, your turn.

You got it dude two! Oh you got mushroom too.

Oh yeah just play the game, I'm silly you're! Silly! Oh I'm, like that I know it's.

Okay, that's part of Mario Party is learning all the new order.

I didn't roll! Yet four made it past.

The green onesies am I.

Gonna get ten coins.

No big deal.

I already have 20 coins.

That's probably enough for a star, my mini game, everyone versus dad.

Oh four player, oh my goodness, just reading.

Some of these names is so fun water, your piranha plant, to help them grow.

There's a cloud and you have to translate so you can get your plant to grow and watch out for the Monty balls.

Oh no, the moles Nico, your mole brothers are here.

Yeah tell your mole family to leave us alone.

Okay, go no! Give me that come here.

I got some Cloud hey.

Why are there moles in here? Get these moles out of here? Let me go get under the clouds.

Oh yeah, my plan's growing, there's moles everywhere: okay, Grill plan girl fight girl, no come back, come back, I'm going to win.

No I am loud, wait, look how big my plant is, and the first winner is: yes, dad the first game you guys got to keep up I'm telling you I've been playing this.

My whole life.

Would you you got a second.

Oh look like for a second I came in birdro.

It's your turn.

I hope you win.

Oh my turn.

What I hope I win? Seven, seven you go up which way up yeah yeah, it's not gonna! Do! Oh! No! Do they switch every time, hello athlete you switch the star oopsies nice.

You need to look a mole.

He agrees to.

Let me pass a lucky space, a Warp, what a warp block? Yes! What's that it can warp you somewhere, hey Nico, you're up punch, one one good job, we're getting a big number watch, this we're neighbors, oh hi, neighbor, but guess what I gotta move 10 spaces away? You can tell me I've been Queens.

Do you want to give it with one you can choose? Oh you know what I'm gonna give him three just to show that I'm a nice guy.

Oh wait! Thank you! Seven, six, five, four, three, two one! Oh I'm! So close to the start.

Nobody land on one of those star, switcher change, you're a hidden block.

He goes my lucky charm, [, __ ], for me, minigame messy memory.

What ones so I! Don't remember this! Oh wow! Oh this is from Mario Party three.

So we have to see all the stuff where it was and put it back where we think it goes.

I have a feeling.

This is gonna, be hard.

Okay, wait, memorize bananas on top bananas, Mario, mushrooms, okay, oh no, I! Think I! Remember! Oh, my goodness! This is gonna, be so hard, oh good, all the top ones.

Are there? That's the ones.

I already said, I think the fly guy goes over.

There was the hammer in the middle in the bottom, there's only four.

Only four tickets- oh I accidentally put my curtain down I.

Think I might have got them.

Oh yes, hey.

We all still got points good job, everybody, good job, everybody pound.

It I wish.

That was a fake one.

That one was so fun.

Oh, your turn.

Berto good luck! Six! Six! Let's see what you got lucky space! Hey! You got two lucky spaces already well.

I want twelve coins.

Oh you gotta pick your dice! Oh! So, if you wanted like a seven exactly you could get a seven or whatever um I know.

I should have used.

My item.

I begged out, get a good number one.

What did he get? You got a custom dice block, so you can pick whatever number you want.

If you need to one one, one one one one one! Oh do I have any items, one one! One no I need a big number big number.

One big number big number big number, one, seven, one one! Oh five, maybe my first star this is my Best Day Ever event: oh no, and it switched right at the wrong time.

I'm gonna get Bowser and you're gonna get the star.

This is not good.

I'm gonna get the stuff joke.

Oh knock, your Rivals off.

How do you do you? Are you already jumped when you move? But you can you can push the side button to do a big jump.

I mean that's a spin one, hmm whoa! That was a big jump, good job! Nico! Oh! No! No! Don't go by that! Oh there you go yeah Nico you're, the winner, Donkey Kong, wins all right.

Lucky Berto! You are up three one.

Two three good job, you're gonna get the Bowser three okay I'll take seven coins; oh yeah, Donkey Kong, oh yeah, good job, Nico, oh no, guys, I'm, just a Mario, Party Pro! Oh, you can have a star or coins still coins for free.

Not me, uh, you're, a wife! Oh okay, I'll pick you oh honey.

Can you give me some coins 15.? That was a lot.

That was a lot you took.

Almost all my coins I'll be giving Mario party lessons after the video oh boy actually I'm gonna play this.

After the video.

Let me just play it again I'm gonna do.

This guy is that guy.

For me, yeah I only go do not fall on the bridge wow Dad.

This is your turn don't get a lucky one don't get a lucky one seven more coins, good job, dude minigame.

What one Mario's puzzle party- oh that's the one I won: yes, yes, be the first to earn 100.

How do you um flip them push the button it flips them.

This is kind of hard, we'll move it over good job, we're all so concentrated, I know what who got it me go I! Think it's because it doesn't matter.

If you like, like stack them good, you just need to do it fast! And he was just doing it fast.

What naked? Oh, oh? No, you landed on it! Right before you got it.

Wait, oh! The star! Was right? There she should have used her block.

You should have used your block.

That tells you how many numbers- and you could have picked it um- guess what if I get the star I think it'll switch back to you, though jump I'm, so glad I used that mushroom I don't have enough.

No! It's because Dad stole all my coins.

Bowser, that's half your coins likes I only have six coins, guys some stuff you're almost to the star good job.

Nico I want to talk.

Somebody else: hey we're on the same spot, hi, Nico I think we got he's going down for.

Sadly, because you're gonna go the star.

Next, you don't have enough coins.

We have to win um control the plane with another player and fly to the finish line.

So one person, yes, the wings and then one person flies Okay.

Okay, you're still you're in front.

You got a steer and I'm on your teeth.

Yeah go: go: go steer, go to the rainbow good job, we're flying faster than the girls uh uh, oh good job.

Over the other way watch out for the ball.

We barely missed, then, in the middle go to that rainbow, oh good job.

He died towards the rainbow.

The rainbow watch out for the balloons now we're doing good, we're doing good boy.

Oh keep going, keep going.

Okay, we got the rainbow turn the other way.

You got it.

You got it.

Oh thank God.

Thanks for flying with me good job girls.

Now you have enough to get a star.

Yes, oh wait.

We're down to last five we're halfway Mario's in first, of course, oh boy, dad is a video game.

Pro yes I'm, third and Yoshi, but who will win here? Are the predictions seem to be good friends, I? Think I'm gonna win oh yeah.

Oh, they always do that.

You heard that right come on out Yoshi.

Thank you.

Oh change.

The number to as high as you want I have no idea how to change so I did five.

Oh no.

What is he gonna? Give you a curse, guys, walk I can curse, she's Ward blocking where she going I, don't know! Wait you work with me.

Then please, the war vlog! You would switch something they would have got Bowser you're up I'm after Nico ooh, a lucky space, good job, dude, ten coins.

Oh eight! It's a ghost, oh still, coins; no, no I love them all.

Not me! So much and you're my best one.

So it don't.

Okay, I want stuff from you at least, should I steal from you.

Wait I I have less coins than everyone.

You don't know.

That's true good logic sounds like it's Mom, sorry, Mom I! Do it because I love you? No that's so many I know I love.

It now go to Twinkle Twinkle Little, okay, I'm! Going that way with you dude good idea.

You went the wrong way yeah because Bowser's that direction someone will switch it before I get there.

Um trust me I'm, a Mario Party Pro.

Oh everyone versus small small I, think we gotta, oh there's mom swimming and we gotta try and Spotlight I'm ready, I'm, ready who's, ready, all right.

Spotlight's on that Mom where'd.

She go.

Oh she's down she's down here in front of Nico.

Okay she's going down she's going by adley, go yeah.

Yeah I'm gonna die kids.

We did wait.

You can curse somebody on a curse in first place.

No! Yes! This is me a Mario okay.

Now you can die, no I can dice please land on a space that turns you got them switches places switch places.

Oh I was so close to switching places.

Oh oh I've got something good for you.

19 coins.

How many coins have you had stolen from you? This game, 50 I swear, got it sorry, but I'm going for eggs.

Take this Bowser to the highest quality, floatation device and I can fall into water.

It might be a trick.

Let's see fork over 19 coins.

He's gonna make you pay 19.

do it.

Where are you gonna go? Oh, it was a trick.

Oh no! No returns! Oh a lucky space double dice.

It's me, yeah Mario, seriously.

I forgot about that one.

Two, three! No more curses! Everyone versus everyone.

I want shy.

Guy says: yes, yes, this one's fun! Oh, he keeps tricking us left.

Oh no! No I, messed! That's out! I'll, be on Nico's team.

Left left, oh Abby! How did you did you right left? This is scary, right, Nico, first mom ENT.

That was funny good job Nico's in second place by dab, good job, good job buddy, and that might be enough.

Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four three: oh you're, one away, you're right way: oh hey! This is my square.

Wait, it's a duel, the adverse mom duel.

No, it's me versus Nico.

Oh that's, Nico, Nico, you're, dueling mom.

How many coins are we gonna wager I want to wait.

One coin: yeah, okay, get the best good job; okay, keep going, don't hit electricity good job boost dang; it I missed the boots.

Watch out, oh my God over there yeah Nico you're up you're up dude, nine, very proud of you.

Please take 10 coins to give you 10 coins.

What good job? What way do you want to go? Okay, look Stars over there, Abby's gonna get the Stars uh two coins.

Okay, let's see what he wants.

He let you passed I think so.

I'm gonna get this.

Nine I got a good number.

Hopefully I don't hit a Bowser, though no, why congratulations? I don't want one of these and he already bought ones.

You have to take it.

Wow I knew it.

I was just like Nico wait.

Did you see the teams? Sorry kiddos.

Parents are too good at this game, guys I told you.

I was really hungry I'm getting my coins back little by little.

There's only two turns left.

Oh Hadley's about to get us I, don't care what I get I just want to get the star.

You got a good number yeah.

How would it takes to be a superstar? Yes, I.

Keep this star 20 points for sorry.

Yes, it's a battle! Oh no, do not feel my no don't, kill my coins and then you go over to Dad.

No, no I'm, your dad.

Are you serious right now? Okay, what do I gotta push? I gotta push! Nothing your joysticking, you six seconds! Wait! Does that mean she's in first she's in first congratulations from getting first place.

Thank you, man versus, oh! No, how many coins this time I'm rolling yeah? Don't do a lot of points do like that's all my coins well, I will have no coins if she doesn't win Tipsy Journey.

This is a good one.

You have to make the picture I'm good at this one I, don't think you understand dad's, like a pro at this point, guys I'm, sorry but I need coins, I'm, sorry, but I'm going to win I'm very sorry, but I am about to win now.

Let's play a little show.

Please keep walking around okay.

I made a question.

Mark me too.

Chill no go this way chill! Yes, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh I didn't get any coins.

What what hi I know you were so close, 100 I! Think in all the time we played Mario, Party I've, never seen someone in our family have a hundred coins.

You have 70 Nico, yes, 70., yeah, okay, Nico you're up you get a good number wait.

Do you have any items he does? He has an item.

What number do we need for the star? We need 10.


go go good job buddy! Let's do this.

Star is all yours.

Oh uh, almost whole family, minigame, four players, who's gonna, win, I, want cats away.

Oh I! Remember this one! All right! This is important.

One go push.

Push push! Push push, push, push, push, push, push, push, push, push fast legal push and push and push them so slow, go, yellow, go, yellow blue, go Mario, Go, my little dog, no athlete versus Nico Nico.

You got second, you passed good job yeah, so you can still pass this.

You got coins good job 100.

This is the last turn.

Europe last turn wait.

Do you have any items that could take you somewhere? Good? Yes, but it's with a random person.

Here you go I'm.

Sorry Nico! Oh, you didn't have so many coins.

You found a hidden block, oh my God, and she does not need more coins.

How did she always oh I know who I'm doing dude stolen from me? No no I already had a cursed block.


mom go go, go away, go straight ahead.

Okay, oh good idea! You made me found a hidden.

The kids are lucky Nico just got you that story, I just got.

It is okay.

Well, Nico tell me where to go, I need all your secrets.

Are you kidding me? How does he always know he's a Mario Party? Okay, let the Nico alone.

It's his turn.

I got this.

You got this oh he's doing his double die: Squad, okay, now roll! If you get two tens, you might make it all the way around to the star again.

Oh one and a zero would make it ten good nine I'm gonna warp somewhere.

Where am I gonna work, I switched oh I'm cursed, yeah seriously, hey at least I got a lucky spot.

Hey you're, welcome, give me 17 or 10 and Abilene first game Nico versus everybody, tug of war.

Oh boy, okay, do not let me go get you! Okay, I need to see; okay, oh jump, I traveled, so many spaces.

Thank you.

I am a professional.

Yes, thank you to all my Mario Party fans, I'll be winning the game boys.

The next bonus eventful bet the most Lively.

It's me.

It's brought my dad again, probably not again, probably yeah yeah, there's always an extra look at that.

That should be in a fortune cookie good job bud.

There's always a nice star and the winner is it's time, Nico's, always the winner and he finally got yeah.

Oh boy.

It's my pleasure to announce.

Roberto has taken first place, let's see if Nico wins too next than anybody else.

Somehow Nico still wins because he won all the mini games.

Dude, good job family, oh I, love that that it was so much another round.

I forgot I have another surprise, another surprise, except for now.

Yes, it's for all of you.

Wait I'll bring them to you close your eyes.

Everybody close your eyes about this guy I printed off a holiday wish list.

Since we love playing these games so much we can decide which ones we want.

Oh, we could get new games.

Look yes! These are different games.

Oh no, but you can pick out a colored controller that you want, like blue and yellow for Minecraft.

Oh yeah, Mario, Kart, Mario, Strikers, hey Nico, you circled this way.

Are we sending these to sound to for reals uh yeah? Okay, because this is what I really want? I'll go on, Minecraft, oh and guess what everybody can do? This too I got it from and then print these off they're free, and then you can decide what you want Santa.

This is for Navy.

Oh, you already started I already circled it.

Mom knows when we were dating I used to play Mario Strikers with my friends all the time.

Amtrak is the ones I really want.

Oh the circles and the chip, hey.

You got little plushies like me.

Nico I want this one: okay, this cool dude, all right, let's smell them! Thank you.

For this surprise, it was the best surprise ever.

Thank you for a good surprise.


Thank you for this you're welcome.

This was the best video ever guys.

I think our next mission needs to be Super.

Mario, 3D, World, Bowser's, Fury I go back, I, circled, I, hope we get it.

Then, okay, we actually got to mail.

These now um thanks for watching my surprise, video bye yeah.

We do.

SURPRiSiNG DAD with a Mario Party!!  Family Game Day and playing mini games the parents remember⭐⭐⭐ (2024)


Is Mario Party a good family game? ›

Fun for the entire family. While Mario party superstars has better mini games and boards,this game is still a blast and the ability to get sidekicks is a lot of fun. Easy enough to pick up at any age.

How do you play Mario Party with random people? ›

After selecting the game mode, select Worldwide Match or Friend Match. Worldwide Match allows you to play with other random players online. After selecting this mode, the game will search for other players and begin once all players are found.

Which Mario Party is best for kids? ›

The second of the two Mario Party games to be released on the Switch, Mario Party Superstars is far and away the best choice for kids and adults alike.

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Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Author information

Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

Address: Suite 153 582 Lubowitz Walks, Port Alfredoborough, IN 72879-2838

Phone: +128413562823324

Job: IT Strategist

Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.