How to get Olivia Rodrigo Guts Tour presale codes for tickets (2024)

14 September 2023, 14:27

How to get Olivia Rodrigo Guts Tour presale codes for tickets (1)

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How to get Olivia Rodrigo Guts Tour presale codes for tickets (2)

By Sam Prance

A full guide to Olivia Rodrigo's Guts Tour presales, how to register, how to get presale codes and when tickets go on sale.

You want tickets to see Olivia Rodrigo's Guts World Tour but don't know how to get a presale code? We've got you covered.

Shortly after Olivia Rodrigo released her sophom*ore album Guts, fans noticed that there was an easter egg for a Guts World Tour in her 'Making the Bed' lyric video. Olivia then began dropping hints that an announcement would be coming soon. To top it all off, on September 12th, arenas all around the world started to tease that a Guts tour was officially happening.

Now, Olivia has confirmed that she is heading out on the road. The Guts World Tour will start in the US in 2023 before going to Europe in 2024. Demand is sky-high so having access to a presale code is essential for anyone wanting the best chance of getting tickets. Is there a Verified Fan presale, an American Express Early Access presale or an O2 Priority presale?

Here's everything you need to know about how to get presale ticket access to Olivia's Guts tour.

READ MORE: Olivia Rodrigo Guts Tour: Tickets, prices, presale, dates, setlist and everything we know so far

How to get Olivia Rodrigo Guts Tour presale codes for tickets (5)

How to get an Olivia Rodrigo Guts Tour US presale code:

The only way you can secure a presale code for Olivia Rodrigo's Guts World Tour in the US is via the American Express Early Access presale. However, this still does not guarantee you will get a presale code: "A limited number of randomly selected fans will get access to the sale, and others will be put on the waitlist."

To apply to register for this presale, you must possess an American Express card in your name.

Here's how to apply to register for the American Express Early Access presale:

  1. Visit the tour page on Olivia Rodrigo's website
  2. Select North America
  3. Scroll down and click American Express Early Access Registration
  4. Sign in with your Ticketmaster account
  5. Click Register Now
  6. Enter your first name, last name, email address
  7. Choose your preferred city
  8. Enter your country, post code and phone number
  9. Tick the terms and conditions
  10. Your registration is complete

Registration for the American Express Early Access presale to Olivia's Guts World Tour is open from now until Sunday, September 17, at 7PM PT/10 PM ET. As per their rules: "Access to this presale is limited to American Express Card Members only. An American Express Card is required to proceed with your registration."

You then receive an email on September 19th which will tell you if you've been successful or put on the waitlist. Those successful will receive a presale code ahead of the presale and details as to when the presale will take place.

How to get an Olivia Rodrigo Guts Tour UK presale code:

UK fans of Olivia can also get tickets to the American Express Early Access presale. Simply follow the exact same guidelines as the US but select UK on her website instead of North America. There is also an O2 Priority presale. You must be an O2 or Virgin Media customer to access this presale. Like the AmEx presale, this does not guarantee you will get a presale code.

Here's how to apply to register for the O2 presale:

  1. Visit the O2 presale link
  2. Click Register Now
  3. Enter your first name, last name, email address
  4. Choose your preferred city
  5. Enter your country, post code and phone number
  6. Tick the terms and conditions
  7. Your registration is complete

Registration for the O2 Priority presale code to the Guts World Tour is open from now until Sunday, September 17th at 10PM BST. You'll then receive an email on September 19th that will tell you if you've been successful or put on the waitlist. Those successful will receive a presale code ahead of the O2 presale.

The presale will then take place on Wednesday 20th September at 10am BST.

READ MORE: When does Olivia Rodrigo's Guts deluxe come out? How to listen to the deluxe songs

To give you the best chance of getting Olivia Rodrigo Guts World Tour tickets, we recommend that you also register for the Ticketmaster Registered Fan Sale. Again, this won't guarantee that you will get a code to purchase tickets but it's another opportunity to get one. Similar to Taylor Swift's The Eras Tour, there is no Guts World Tour general sale.

How to register for Olivia Rodrigo tickets:

  1. Visit the tour page on Olivia Rodrigo's website
  2. Select your country
  3. Scroll down and click Registration Onsale
  4. Sign in with your Ticketmaster account
  5. Click Register Now
  6. Enter your first name, last name, email address
  7. Choose your preferred city
  8. Enter your country, post code and phone number
  9. Tick the terms and conditions
  10. Your registrations is complete

Like the pre-sales, the Registered Fan sale is open from now until Sunday, September 17 at 7pm PT / 10pm ET. Those who have registered will receive an email on September 20th that will tell you if you've been successful or put on the waitlist.

The sale will then take place on Thursday 21st September at 3PM BST.

May the odds be ever in your favour!

Read more Olivia Rodrigo news stories here:

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How to get Olivia Rodrigo Guts Tour presale codes for tickets (2024)
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